Unfortunately, Jörn had to work yesterday. This was especially sad because Friday was a holiday, and we had been excited about our first long weekend since school started. Making the whole thing even more difficult was the fact it was a Sunday, and nothing is open on Sunday, but poor Jörn had to work. He was representing his company at a butcher fair held here at the Stuttgart Fair Center. Hmpf! Despite his reluctance to work yesterday, it turned in to a great experience. He spent the day sitting next to the man who runs Subway Germany. But, he was most excited to tell me about the bagels. Yup, bagels! Not that impressive, except for the fact that our bagel choices here are abysmal. Sure, you can get a bagel at Starbucks, but they don't taste good at all. Nor can you get a bagel with cream cheese at Starbucks, it comes with a fluffier version of cream cheese with sprouts and lettuce. We have occasionally had luck with some bagels prepackaged in the grocery store, but finding them can be really difficult.
Better yet, Jörn was able to score some bagels today at the fair! They are by far the best bagels I have had in southwestern Germany. We had a great experience once in a bagel shop in Leipzig, but that is over 6 hours from here. We now have cinnamon raisin, sesame, onion, and multigrain. I love them! Now, we need to send these guys lots of luck that they can find their way here, so that one more thing missing from my American life is back.
Besides all the bagely goodness in a box, Jörn brought home one other surprise from one of his customers today. He brought home a Spitzkraut.

Spitzkraut, pointed cabbage, is unique to our region. It is grown in the Filder, a plain located south of Stuttgart. The area is very fertile, and perfect for growing this unique cabbage. Although it can be found in markets all over Europe, it is only grown here.
Spitzkraut, or Filderkraut as locals tend to refer to it, is known for its very refined taste. It makes excellent sauerkraut, and even better Krautkuchen. For those faithful readers, you already know Jörn's plans, it is time yet again to fill our kitchen with wonderful Krautkuchen!
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