This is one of those holidays that can cause some homesickness. To Americans, Halloween means fall and little kids. Every October, I tell Joern about going to a pumpkin patch with my parents when I was little, finiding the perfect pumpkin and then buying some apple cider to bring home. Then, we'd find a good night when my dad and I would carve the pumpkin. On Halloween, my Jack-o-Lantern would be ready and my dad would take Nadia and I out trick-or-treating.
Here in Germany, Halloween is slowly catching on. Right now, it seems to be more of a commercial thing, you can find a small display in most grocery stores selling home decor, and Halloween parties are growing in popularity- but then again, Germans will use any reason to party.
Sadly though, I miss the whole Halloween feeling. Especially, the trick-or-treaters, who especially early in the night, are just so darn cute and proud of their costumes.
One thing that really perked me up this year though was my international candy exchange. This is my second year involved in the candy exchange, and is through my group of friends who are living all over the world. This year, I picked someone living in Germany. What are the odds? There are only about 10 of a group of close to 50 living in Germany. Oy! She lives in the next state over, so I sent her some Swabian sweets- I sent her chocolate Maultaschen :) and Wiebele, small Swabian cookies. I also got her a bunch of Stuttgart brochures, including a wine map and a brochure for the upcoming Christmas market. I hope that she liked her gift!
Yesterday when I got home, I found my package had been delivered as well! Mine came from an Australian living in England. So cool! Even cooler, was that her dog had even personally chewed the corner of the envelope :)
Here's what I got in my International Halloween candy package:
I am so excited about my candy!
So far, I've only tried the Chomp bar, a little chocolate/caramel bar. Joern split it with me, and we both really liked it! I hope to make this special Halloween candy last, just like when I was little, and tried to make my Halloween candy last as long as possible!
So, thank you very much to my friend in England who helped bring a little Halloween fun to Germany!!
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