*Total weight gain:8 lbs.
*How big is baby?: Our Little Pea is the size of an eggplant!
Let your spouse put an ear to your belly -- he might be able to pick up baby's heartbeat (no stethoscope required). Inside the womb, the formation of tiny capillaries is giving baby a healthy pink glow. Baby's also soaking up your antibodies, getting the immune system ready for life outside the womb. Eyes are forming, and baby will soon perfect the blink -- perfect for batting those freshly grown lashes.
From www.thebump.com
*Maternity clothes?:Most all of my clotes now are maternity clothes. But I did wear a non-maternity shirt today. Its one of myz favorites, and I'm not sure how much more time I have with it.
*Sleep?: Pretty good!
*Best moment this week?: Well,a lot has happened over the past two weeks! First off, we passed the glucose tolerance test! It was only very entertaining to have the Erbse get super-active about 10 minutes after I had to drink the glucose syrup! No one can tell me that there is no correlation between sugar and activity!
We also had a great doctor's appointment last week Monday! Little Erbse is measuring right on target. Of course, what was cutest of all was seeing Little Erbse with his entire hand stuffed in his mouth. That's when we realized, we're going to have a healthy eater! But he really knows how to make your heart melt!
*Movement?: Erbse is quite busy, often. Joern thinks he felt a kick the other day. Tonight, he kicked, or punched really high up, and it was so strong, it really took me off guard. He also started kicking at 6:00 this morning, just as I rolled over to try to get 20 more minutes sleep.
*Food cravings?: fruit
*Labor signs?: Too early!
*Belly button in or out?:Getting more shallow.
*What I miss: not much these past few weeks, I'm enjoying the pregnancy right now.
*What I'm looking forward to: Erbse getting stronger and stronger with his kicks!
*Milestone: 25 weeks today! We only have a few more days to go before we're into double digits until Erbse's birthday!
*Other Erbse related news: I am having trouble with iron. My blood work in August came back that I'm anemic. The iron tablets my doctor perscribed had a really negative impact on my arthritis, and for a week or so, I was barely able to walk. I've tried a few other iron supplements, and we may have found a good one, that I can tolerate. I also turned in my paperwork from the doctor for maternity leave. The HR lady at work is on vacation until next week, so I am looking forward to meeting with her when she returns to find out how this whole maternity leave thing works.
3 Kommentare:
Love to hear from you and Erbse. Sabrina was delighted to see the "pregnant!!! pregnant!!! pregnant!!!" Allison. (Can you hear her running around shouting out "pregnant".)
It is great to see that even the very little ones are so normal and that they are overreacting (just a little) on some sugar.
Can't want until you post the next baby pictures!
Take care! Stefanie
Can't wait (and don't want) to wait... :-)
Why do we like these fruity devices so much?
I can just imagine Sabrina hopping around the house, glad you're all enjoying the pictures! I can't believe that a few weeks ago, people were saying that I was very tiny for 20 weeks, because now, I'm rather large for 25 weeks. Its great though!
And no, I can't explain our attraction to these fruity devices that love to change the meaning of our words.
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