Welcome to our life!

Hi, I'm Allison! I'm a thirtysomething, freshly baked, stay-at-home mom. I'm originally from Connecticut, now living in Germany, hence the name of the blog. I live in southern Germany with my German husband and our baby boy. Life has turned out to be nothing I ever expected, and am so incredibly happy with it! We certainly do have a lot of laughs! I hope you will enjoy following our new experiences raising a little half American/ half German in a little German town.

Mittwoch, 21. Januar 2009

The day after

Yesterday many of us witnessed history. Every day we witness history, but yesterday, the world moved.
Barack H. Obama was inaugurated yesterday, and became the first African-American in our White House. Me personally, I have never felt such an incredible swell of pride, hope, and excitement for our country.
Over the past 8 years, our country has faced extreme difficulty. Living abroad has provided a unique perspective. It does matter what others think about you when you are a leading world power. As I've grown up, I have felt growing pride in our nation. I have seen our country from an outsider's perspective. I have learned about our founding fathers, and the courage and bravery that was involved in the making of our nation, and have stood in awe in Independence Hall at the enormity of the history in one building. I met countless members of our military and their families, and fully seen the sacrifices made for our country.
With that growing pride though came many worries for the country. Our healthcare is a nightmare. Our school systems still lag far behind. The economy is based on little more than spending, and we have seen this world fall completely apart. We have entered into a very unpopular war, which has resulted in countless casualties.
Americans became quite apathetic and sometimes even applogetic about the government.
Yesterday, when Barak Obama delivered his inaugural address, he gave us all what we need: Hope. Obama told of a country that has weathered many storms in the past. People tend to forget that ours is a relatively young nation with a lot of history. President Obama reminded us that we did not achieve our greatness on shopping alone. Instead, our country grew based on ideals of equal rights for all, freedom, democracy, and hard work. President Obama issued a strong warning to those who oppose our ideals, and offered a peaceful, open hand to those who are willing to work to come together. He reminded us that we need to "pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin the work of rebuiling America."
The speech moved me to tears. We have experienced so much in the past 8 years, and now times are really difficult. The president reminded us that we need a government that works, who cares right now how big or small? He returned to our founding principles, the vision our founding fathers had for the country, that have somehow been quite blurred over the years. What I found most moving though was the call to action from each of us, that our success will result from our own hard work.

I wish President Obama a healthy and successful four years. He has a horrible job ahead of him, things will not be easy. But he has given many people what has been so desperately drained, he has given us hope that things will change, and that we will all be the catalysts of this change. Thank you President Obama!!

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