I FINALLY had my first bagel this morning. Yum! Cinnamon raisin with a very thin layer of cream cheese!

Things back at home are fine. We are busy setting up therapy and doctor appointments for my mom. I think, hopefully, we will soon be easing into a routine, which will help all of us function slightly better.
My mom and I went to the grocery store yesterday afternoon, and she showed me something new in Fairfield - the Fairfield Museum, formerly, the Fairfield Historical Society. I am so impressed and shocked that our little town has it's own history musuem! I just can't believe it. The building is gorgeous. It shares the grounds with the Town Hall, which dates back to 1794, when it was rebuilt after being burned by the British troops in a 1779 invasion. My mom said she would love to go to the new museum, so we will put that on our list of things to do.
Last night, I went over to my father's house. Since I normally stay with my father, I find it so strange to have been home for 2 days without seeing "dear old Dad." But, situation remedied. We went out for ice cream, and then watched some TV. There is a new TV show here called, "The Alaska Experiment." I was immediately shocked and sucked in. The premise is that three groups, like families or friends, have agreed to spend 3 months in Alaska. They are put in three very unique and harsh environments, and provided with potatoes and beans, and simple equipment (like a canvas tent, basic tools.) They must find their own source of drinking water, protein, and firewood. To further complicate things, there are bears everywhere! Sheesh, I can't believe I'm hooked! Only problem, to watch the whole 3 month experiment during my almost one month stay!
Today, we're off to occupational therapy. Hopefully, I will get a few phone calls made to some family members as well. And, I will try to enjoy the sun that I haven't seen since leaving Germany.