One of the funny things about living in Germany is the definition of a "Football Widow" Joern is a big soccer fan, yet, for the most part, he does not regularly watch the games. This changes though at times of major sporting events. These include, the World Cup and the European Cup. 2008 is a European Cup year.

Not only is it a very important time for soccer fans, it is also a time when in Germany, it is culturally appropriate to be patriotic.
Due to its history, Germans as a whole rarely display patriotism. As an American living in Germany, it can be difficult to understand the lack of pride in one's country. Further, I was often put through rigorous questioning about America and patriotism, and what it was like to feel patriotic. The first time in our generation when Germans showed patriotism was during the World Cup 2006. All of a sudden, flags were proudly displayed on buidlings and cars, and Germans proudly wore black, red, and gold. For the first time, in 2006 I felt that people began to understand pride and love for their home country.
Of course, these emotions were strongly pulled back inside following the World Cup, but you could feel that our generation of Germans had fundamentally changed. And now, that it is time for the German national soccer team to represent the country Europe - wide, you can feel the pride swelling again.
Since Joern's friend, Georg, has decided to hold a European-Cup "viewing salon," in his home, I will not be attending the viewing parties with Joern. I may make some food to send with Joern, but this is as far as I am going. As for me, I will spend the next 3 weeks quite pleased that Germany does not play on our anniversary, nor my birthday. Of course I watched the game tonight, from behind my ironing board, steaming iron raised in triumph when Germany scored both goals tonight. In celebration of victory, I chose to put the freshly ironed clothes away.
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