Actually, it was a wonderful day, and I am pretty certain that I would not have changed a thing in the world, not even my ever-growing age.
At work, everyone was wonderfully kind. I shared my cupcakes with my colleagues, and the kids. I have never gotten so many complements about anything I've baked before. It was so cool! I received a beautiful begonia plant from the parents, and a beautiful bouquet from the Junior Kindergarten team.
We all gathered in the larger Junior Kindergarten room, and all 28 Junior Kindergarteners sang "Happy Birthday" to me, in both English and German. Honestly, there no words to describe what a feeling it is to sit there and have all the kids sing to you. I was on top of the world! After that, I was given the gift from the class, a book in which each child had drawn a special birthday picture for me. Best part? It was all pink :)

My friends from work also gave me wonderful gifts. I got pink salad servers, a pink polka dot cup, pink pens... see a theme here?
After a wonderful day at work, I headed downtown to do some shopping (aka. bag hunting) before meeting Joern for dinner. We went to one of
my favorite restaurants, Ciba Mato. Ciba Mato is an "oriental lounge," which serves Asian Fusion cuisine. I even had a yummy alcohol free cocktail! Joern had an Asian pork meal, and I had a delicious chicken curry. We even split wonderful Terryaki Strips.

I also had the opportunity to indulge in 3 birthday cakes this year! I enjoyed a wildberry panna cotta cake with my in- laws. My friend Julia made me a mini marble cake. And Joern bought me a "Rübeli Kücheli", which is Swiss- German dialect for carrot cake. But, since we are smack in the middle of the European Soccer Cup, my birthday cake was decked out for soccer. Which was fine by me!

Of course, Joern gave me wonderful gifts. I got my PINK Asus Eee-PC, which is a computer about the same size as a paperback book. He also bought Wii Fit!

I can't forget to mention all the well-wishes from my friends, family, and internet friends. The day definately made me realize what a great life I have. I certainly don't need to run away from 29 - all in all, its a pretty cool age!
1 Kommentar:
That is so sweet! I am glad you had so many little ones to make you smile. I'm sure they enjoyed your cupcakes too - it makes me want to bake some myself!
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