image from www.imdb.com
It can be really tough living overseas sometimes. While we may be hip to all the new German songs, when it comes to all things from home, we do end up dreadfully behind.
When Joern, Marcel, and I were in the States at Christmastime, we heard the “Low, Low, Low” song a few months before it became popular in Germany.
The most frustrating can be movies. I have no idea how many movies my mom has reviewed for me, while I have to wait 3 more months to see the movie. Even worse, movies take even longer to get to the Original Version (OV) theaters.
One of the saddest events recently was that I completely missed The Other Boleyn Girl. I adored the book, and despite the poor reviews, it was still my ultimate goal to see the movie.
Imagine my surprise this morning when I found out that the “It” movie of the year is opening in Europe before opening in the States. Which movie am I talking about? Well, Sex and the City of course!!!!!!! And even better, it is premiering at the OV theater here on the 28th of this month, two days before it premieres in the US.
I already have 2 tickets reserved, and just need to find someone to go with me. I am so so so so excited!!!!!!!!!!
I promise of course not to tell a soul about the movie until after it premieres in the States – that would be wrong :)
1 Kommentar:
I am so excited that SATC is coming to Europe before the US!
Also, I saw The Other Boleyn Girl and I really liked it. I didn't read the book though...but I liked it!
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