Well, I enjoyed the weekend, spending lots of time catching up with people, and re-familiarizing myself with sweet home Fairfield.
Friday night was "Daddy - Daughter Night" We went to a new favorite for dinner, "Five Guys Burgers and Fries," or more lovingly refered to by Joern as "Five Fingers without a Hand." (Go think about that one.)
We love the burger restaurant, you just can't beat it for fresh homemade french fries and juicy, huge burgers. That's why I chose the small cheeseburger. DELICIOUS!
After dinner, we went to Stockbridge's, a cheesecake restaurant. Sadly, we weren't hungry, but we got to meet a teenager working there who is from Bulgaria. She was so cute and had lots to tell us about her home country.
Saturday was busy with a trip to Target for my major coffee maker purchase. (It is amazing that neither of my coffee drinking parents own coffee makers!) Then, I spent the rest of the evening with my dad.
Friday night was "Daddy - Daughter Night" We went to a new favorite for dinner, "Five Guys Burgers and Fries," or more lovingly refered to by Joern as "Five Fingers without a Hand." (Go think about that one.)
We love the burger restaurant, you just can't beat it for fresh homemade french fries and juicy, huge burgers. That's why I chose the small cheeseburger. DELICIOUS!
After dinner, we went to Stockbridge's, a cheesecake restaurant. Sadly, we weren't hungry, but we got to meet a teenager working there who is from Bulgaria. She was so cute and had lots to tell us about her home country.
Saturday was busy with a trip to Target for my major coffee maker purchase. (It is amazing that neither of my coffee drinking parents own coffee makers!) Then, I spent the rest of the evening with my dad.
On Sunday, my stepbrother came over, with his wife and their son, Colin. I absolutely cannot believe how grown-up and adorable Colin has become! The last time I saw Colin, he was about 4 months old, and now, he is 3 1/2. Wow! It was nice to visit with them, especially our delicious lunch at the Bear and Grill Restaurant.

image from www.thebearandgrill.com/findus
After the long visit, I made my way up I-95 to visit my aunt and cousins in Milford. It was so nice to visit with my wonderful family. I love visiting with my aunt and hearing all sorts of stories from her mom (both of whom are the reason I am now married to the most wonderful man in the entire world.) And, I adore my cousins Katie and Elizabeth, and am constantly in awe of what wonderful women they have become. The visit with them was wonderful, and recharged my soul after a very stressful week.
Monday was another wonderful, relaxing day. After a leisurely morning at home, I met my friend Aarti for a girl's afternoon of shopping. It was a fitting day for two friends who met while working over 10 years ago at the Gap. We went to downtown Westport, CT, lunched on some fab Japanese food, and then enjoyed a lovely stroll up Main Street, with some stops at important shops.
Today was back to the weekly routine. So, no more relaxation! A speech evaluation provided the main excitement. The good news? My mom did pretty darn well on the evaluation! Yay Mom!!!
1 Kommentar:
I'm glad that you are able to spend time with so many people and find some little things to enjoy!
I didn't know you worked at the Gap... that was my first job, also 10 years ago.
Keep finding little ways to bring yourself joy! I am sure you are making everyone smile and appreciate even more that you are home.
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